Supportive & Remedial Measures

Supportive and Remedial Measures

The Title IX Officer will consult with the Complainant and, when appropriate, the Respondent, to identify suitable services, accommodations and other measures.  This means that Supportive and Remedial Measures may be available to both the Complainant and Respondent. The Title IX Officer is ultimately responsible for determining what measures are appropriate in any given case. For more information about how these measures are determined, please continue on to the second to last section of this page.

In addition to Supportive and Remedial measures, the Title IX Officer may take other actions to stop reported conduct, prevent its escalation or recurrence, and address its effects.It is important to note that campuses may take other measures per other University policies.

Cherry Blossoms

For more information, see UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy, Section V.A.5 and Appendix III.    

If you want to discuss your options or ask questions about Supportive and Remedial Measures,
please contact your CARE advocate, the Respondent Services Coordinator assigned to a matter, and/or HDAPP

Supportive Measures

Supportive Measures include both Interim Measures and Mitigating Measures. The University provides Supportive Measures as appropriate and reasonably available, without fee or charge. These are the primary measures taken by HDAPP with informal resolutions.

  • Interim Measures
  • Services, accommodations, or other measures put in place temporarily after the Title IX Officer receives a report of Prohibited Conduct to assist or protect the Complainant, the Respondent, or the University community; restore or preserve a party’s access to a University program or activity; or deter Prohibited Conduct. Interim measures may:
    o remain in place until the final outcome of a Resolution Process (see Section V.A.5) or a subsequent disciplinary or appeal process;
    o change or terminate depending on the parties’ evolving needs, as assessed by the Title IX Officer; or
    o become permanent as part of the resolution of a report.
  • Mitigating Measures
  • Services, accommodations or other measures for a Complainant who is not in a Resolution Process (see Section V.A.5), including a Complainant who was previously in a Resolution Process that did not result in a finding of a policy violation. Mitigating measures may be implemented to provide support, restore or preserve access to a University program or activity, or deter Prohibited Conduct.

Remedial Measures

Services, accommodations, or other measures put in place as a result of a completed Resolution Process (see Section V.A.5).

Determining Supportive & Remedial Measures

  • Supportive and Remedial Measures
  •  The Title IX Officer will assess how much the University can protect the parties’ privacy while also ensuring the measures are effective. The Title IX Officer will explain to the parties any limits on protecting their privacy.
  • Supportive Measures
  • The Title IX Officer will tailor the measures to the circumstances of each case, minimize burdens on the parties, and avoid depriving the parties of educational and employment opportunities as much as practicable.
  • In matters involving DOE-Covered Conduct
  • The Title IX Officer will ensure Supportive Measures are non-disciplinary and non-punitive, and that they do not unreasonably burden a party.

Examples of Supportive & Remedial Measures (Section V.A.5)

Examples of services, accommodations, and other available measures include:

  • Campus Services Generally
  • Academic, employment, and other support including tutoring, counseling, disability services, health and mental health services, family planning services, survivor advocacy, housing assistance, legal assistance, referral to employee assistance program, information about the right to report a crime to campus or local law enforcement, and written materials prepared by the Title IX Officer pursuant to V.B of the Policy. i
  • Measures Available to Employees, Including Academic, Staff and Student Employees
  • Change to a different workstation, schedule, work location, unit, department, or position for which the employee is qualified provided that, in the case of a Complainant the change is voluntary and equitable.
  • Training and Education of the Respondent
  • The Respondent may be required to undergo training, including sexual harassment prevention training, anger management training, and periodic refresher classes.
  • Campus Services Modified
  • o If a campus service is not generally available or a fee is imposed, access may be arranged or fees waived when appropriate.
    o Comprehensive, holistic survivor services including additional medical, counseling and academic support services.
    o Any other accommodations or Interim Measures that are reasonably available once a Complainant has requested them.
  • Additional Educational Measures for Students
  • o Change advisors, composition of dissertation committee, class sections and similar schedule adjustments.
    o Arrange extra time to complete academic requirements of a class or program, or to re-take a class or withdraw from a class, without an academic or financial penalty if the University delayed such accommodations after it reasonably should have known of the violation.
    o Review any disciplinary actions taken against the Complainant subsequent to the alleged violation to determine whether there is a causal connection between the violation and the Complainant’s misconduct.
  • No Contact Options- Complainant and Respondent Options
  • o The Title IX Officer will ensure the parties have been notified of options to avoid contact and assist them in changing, as appropriate, living, transportation, dining, and working situations, or academic and extracurricular activities;
    o Assist the parties in applying for no contact orders; and
    o Arrange for escort services to ensure that the parties can move safely to work, classes, and activities. •
  • No Contact Options- Respondent’s Restrictions
  • o Allow the Complainant to take regular sections of courses while arranging for the Respondent to take the courses online or through independent study; o Moving the Respondent to a different residence hall or work space;
    o Forbidding the Respondent to participate in specific athletic or extracurricular events or social clubs (including fraternities or sororities);
    o Requiring that the Respondent observe no contact orders from the Complainant for a period of time (up to the Complainant’s graduation or other departure from the campus) via work scheduling or class changes;
    o Prohibiting the Respondent from attending classes for a period of time, transferring the Respondent to another campus, or putting the Respondent on investigatory leave; and
    o Excluding the Respondent from the campus or workplace
  • Other Measures Devised by the Title IX Officer or Other Administrator.