
View from the front of an empty room with theatre style seats in it

  • HDAPP works to prevent hate and bias through education.
  • With its focus on prevention, HDAPP emphasizes education and includes discussion of hate and bias incidents in all harassment and discrimination programming for student groups, classes, staff and faculty upon request.  We also are happy to work with our campus partners such as the Diversity Education Program and the Student Life Centers to provide programming that addresses broader issues of implicit bias, campus climate, and more. 
  • HDAPP maintains a strong focus on preventing sexual violence through education.
  • HDAPP includes discussion of sexual violence in all harassment and discrimination programming for student groups, classes, staff and faculty upon request.  We also are happy to work with our campus partners such as the Center for Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE) and the Student Life Centers to provide programming that addresses broader issues of sexism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and more.  We are available upon request to provide training tailored to the specific needs of any student, staff or faculty group.

HDAPP Facilitated Trainings

These trainings listed in this section are facilitated by HDAPP staff members. Some of them may meet some mandated training requirements, so please be sure to read the descriptions to see what works best for you. You can register for these trainings through UC Davis Learning Center.

  • Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination: Prevention for Supervisors and Employees
  • This course is designed to provide UCD employees (staff/faculty) with information to recognize the Prohibited Conduct, their reporting responsibilities, available resources, and options for remedy. The workshop will include scenarios and opportunities to apply theory to practice.

    Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
    - Define Prohibited Conduct; discrimination, sexual violence, and sexual harassment.
    - Understand their role as responsible employees and the reporting process .
    - Receive an overview of Resolution Processes.
    - Recognize the types of conduct that constitutes sexual violence and harassment.
    - Confirm internal/external resources and reporting options.

    This course satisfies the UC Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence policy requirement for all new continuing non-supervisory staff to attend annually a more comprehensive training session.

  • Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Prevention: Advanced Topics for Supervisors
  • This course is for supervisors to focus on case studies related to sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination in a university environment.

    During this course, participants will:
    - Review Prohibited Conduct, Resolution Processes, and reporting obligations.
    - Practice receiving and reporting concerns of Prohibited Conduct
    - Rehearse a supervisor's role in the resolution of complaints.

    We strongly encourage that this course is taken after the UC on-line sexual harassment prevention training or the in-person Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination: Prevention for Employees training. If you only did the on-line training, we highly encourage you to take the in-person training too. This course satisfies both the 2 year mandatory UC Sexual Violence Prevention training for all employees & the 2 year legal AB1825 requirement for supervisors to complete sexual harassment prevention training.

Mandated Trainings

UCD has various mandated trainings covering topics of sexual violence and sexual harassment for undergraduate students, graduate students, professional students, staff, and  faculty . For more information about the specific requirements for each group, please go to UCD Sexual Violence website's page on Prevention and Education.  

Request a Training

HDAPP offers trainings on discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence including education. Trainings are designed for academics, supervisors, non-supervisory staff, teaching assistants, students, and student employees, and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of specific groups or departments. 

If you are interested in having HDAPP facilitate a training, please feel free to contact HDAPP by email ( or by phone 530-747-3864 indicating:

  1. Your requested training topic
  2. Attendee Information (i.e., how many anticipated, affiliation with UCD, etc.)
  3. Anticipated Location
  4. Requested Date/Time 

Please follow up on your request if you have not received a response from HDAPP after one week.

HDAPP will review all requests accepting them based on various factors including but not limited to topic requests and/or staff availability. It is important to note HDAPP trainings are highly requested in Fall quarter, so please submit your requests with enough notice to have better odds at finding an available time. Additionally, HDAPP may refer you to another department if the requested topic is not one HDAPP covers.